
Travis status:


Django Utils is a collection of small Django helper functions, utilities and classes which make common patterns shorter and easier. It is by no means a complete collection but it has served me quite a bit in the past and I will keep extending it.

Examples are:

  • Enum based choicefields
  • Models with automatic __str__, __unicode__ and __repr__ functions based on names and/or slugs using simple mixins.
  • Models with automatic updated_at and created_at fields
  • Models with automatic slugs based on the name property.
  • Iterating through querysets in predefined chunks to prevent out of memory errors

The library depends on the Python Utils library.

Documentation is available at:


To install:

  1. Run pip install django-utils2 or execute python install in the source directory
  2. Add django_utils to your INSTALLED_APPS

If you want to run the tests, run py.test (requirements in tests/requirements.txt)


To enable easy to use choices which are more convenient than the Django 3.0 choices system you can use this:

from django_utils import choices

# For manually specifying the value (automatically detects `str`, `int` and `float`):
class Human(models.Model):
    class Gender(choices.Choices):
        MALE = 'm'
        FEMALE = 'f'
        OTHER = 'o'

    gender = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=Gender)

# To define the values as `male` implicitly:
class Human(models.Model):
    class Gender(choices.Choices):
        MALE = choices.Choice()
        FEMALE = choices.Choice()
        OTHER = choices.Choice()

    gender = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=Gender)

# Or explicitly define them
class Human(models.Model):
    class Gender(choices.Choices):
        MALE = choices.Choice('m', 'male')
        FEMALE = choices.Choice('f', 'female')
        OTHER = choices.Choice('o', 'other')

    gender = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=Gender)

A PostgreSQL ENUM field will be coming soon to automatically facilitate the creation of the enum if needed.